Friday 1 March 2013

You cannot always beat the system

But never let the system beat you!

It is interesting to have a conversation with a client who advises that:

"We have bench marked you against your former company and you are more expensive"

This is a difficult one to understand when you know that the competitive quote was 25% more than your own. 

In a system so rigid that it cannot accept new businesses, and the opportunities that a new business can bring, you struggle to help some people.

  • The end client wants to deal with you. 
  • The engineer on site wants to deal with you. 
  • The quotation is more competitive and provides a quicker turn around than the competition are able to offer. 

One part of the square missing. Procurement kick backs in rebate offer a year end discount against the competitor quote. Dies this make them more competitive? Nope but it makes procurement look good. 

So how do you overcome this intransigence. 

Easy, work with the end client and engineers to circumvent the system and provide a great product and service anyway.

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