Thursday 28 March 2013

Sometimes advice should be free. 

Obviously the thought of something for nothing is anathema to most businesses. 

After all you cannot pay overpriced Directors their bonuses unless you charge for everything that you do. 

However, it is not always about fees and should be about old fashioned service to your customers. Confidence and trust are investments in the future.

The story

Following a recent newsletter we were  contacted by a client for some advice. 

The fresh air supply system had been balanced but the contractor employed was unable to provide analysis of the resulting data as they had themselves sub-contracted the service. 

Once the data had been provided to RAB a good deal of head scratching took place 

A series of questioning emails later and an anomaly was identified that needed closer inspection. 

Arranging a survey on a "when passing" basis (see what we are doing here), we took 

only 10 minutes to confirm our suspicions that the problem was at the joint between fan & header duct. 

The client was happy to carry out the repairs himself, knowing that RAB could always be called upon to help if he got into difficulties. 

The cost for this assistance - £0.00 because sometimes advice should be free.
RAB Specialist Engineers - not all contractors are the same. 

Anathema - a person or thing detested or loathed: That subject is anathema to him.

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