Friday 8 March 2013

Working the system

In our earlier blogs:

“You cannot always beat the system.” and 

“When the system works for you” 

We talked briefly about the bane of all our lives - procurement procedure, form filling and box ticking. 

Supply chain professionals recognise that life and business is a flexible and fluid entity. 

Just because “we have always done it that way” does not mean that it cannot change. 

In my last organisation my colleagues never looked at alternatives. 

If the file stated that ABC Limited were the company to use then ABC were the only ones to be involved in the contract. 

The fact that they were no longer competitive, reliable, safe and able to do the job correctly did not matter to the paper shufflers who simply wanted an easy life. 

This invariably led to problems and caused many issues which then had to be overcome by someone with a little more sense. New avenues were explored, better service levels were offered and a more satisfactory outcome was created. 

In the world of a new business RAB Specialist Engineers do come up against the former character trait. 

However, if you work hard you can overcome the obstacles placed in your path. 

A little old fashioned service and knowledge goes a long way to proving to people that you actually know what you are talking about and are willing to do a fair days work for a fair days pay. 

By working the system and toeing the line it is possible to overcome the objections from procurement and replace a bad company with a good company. Long may it continue.  

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