Monday 8 April 2013

Passive Fire Protection

Passive Fire Protection...for your future peace of mind

  Have you checked your fire stopping lately?
  • Is it sound and able to stop any transfer of smoke and fire?
  • Have you had any work completed recently involving new penetrations?
  • If you are unsure and want a survey then just call RAB to arrange.
  • Make sure that your building is safe with a fixed price quotation from RAB. 

  • Passive fire protection creates compartments in the building through the use of fire resistance walls and floors.
  • As the name suggests, passive fire protection (PFP) remains silent until a fire breaks out.
  • It is at this time that the system must be 100% secure.
  • The installation of new services such as pipework, ductwork, data cabling etc. could have damaged the integrity of any fire block.
  • This is not immediately obvious to the untrained eye which is why RAB and FP93 are working together to ensure that your building is safe. 
  • Repairs are relatively inexpensive and can usually be completed without disruption to the building.  

Call RAB Specialist Engineers on 01635 - 244100 for a free, no obligation assessment.

Alternatively email or use the on line contact form at

1 comment:

  1. We should always be prepared, for our new generation where there are lots of development we should be thankful that we can now have option to stop fire. Few minutes can save a life so why not start upgrading to residential and commercial fire doors. It is much worth of an investment.


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