Sunday, 23 February 2014

Some you win and some you lose

There are some contracts that you are destined never to win. This could be for a variety of reasons and whenever a contract is lost there is always that tinge of disappointment.

If you think that price, lead time and quality are as good as you can get it then it is simply not your turn.

Large projects can turn on a personal decision and, in most cases, the client is not necessarily obliged to select the most competitive option.

We wrote recently about the difference between confidence and a confidence trick; please take a look at .

There are some instances where confidence or competitiveness does not play a part in the decision.

And those are the contracts that you lose. As the title says "some you win and some you lose".

On another subject when you want an air intake screen then there really is only one company to buy from.

Permatron production line
We would say that of course because Richard Betts, Managing Director of RAB Specialist Engineers, found this product, negotiated contracts with the manufacturers and brought the first air intake filter screens into the UK.

 Not only that but it is the highest quality, external filtration system in the country made in the ONLY air intake screen factory in the USA.

Richard Betts meets Leslye Sandberg in 2013
Permatron Corporation making filters since 1957 and RAB Specialist Engineers make a great team.

In this instance you cannot lose and only win.

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