Friday 8 August 2014

Cottonwood seed and air intake filter screens

Air intake screens

  Telephone 01635 248633 or email

Cottonwood seed and air intake filter screens

Energy loss versus energy efficiency

In the USA the term Cottonwood Tree is commonly known and most people have had some experience of the windblown seeds creating a summer snow. 

What is less well known, is that the poplar species spawns its seed from catkins. This creates a "snowstorm" of fluffy white seedlings which can completely carpet the local area. For images of this seemingly delightful natural occurrence please check see .

Like all snows, this seed is great when it first arrives, until you realise just how much it is interfering with your life.

It gets everywhere! 

Because it is windblown, it has no respect for boundaries and can be found on the street, the roof and even in the basement. It is not that difficult to get rid of and can be easily removed with a hose. brush or vacuum.

Unless it gets sucked into your air intake plant.  

  • Once it hits the cooling coils it will begin to reduce energy efficiency by forming a thermal blanket over the coil face.
  • In cooling towers it enters the fill, decays and creates a biological sludge to feed bacteria.
  • And finally, it is sucked into all AHU filters to reduce airflow and changeover times.

Cottonwood seed is one of nature’s marvels and looks great in the right place. Not so good when it is costing you time, energy and money.  

There is a simple and innovative solution.

Instead of drawing all of the cottonwood seed into your air movement plant, allow it to be captured by a Permatron PreVent® air intake filter screen supplied by RAB Specialist Engineers Limited

This unique product can be fitted to any size or shape of air intake and provides an external, electrostatic filter with minimal effect on airflow.   

Now, when you want to clean your coils, you just use a hose, brush or vacuum

It will extend filter life by up to 60% and reduce maintenance time on your cooling towers.  

For more information contact on 01635 248633 or drop an email to