Thursday 16 May 2013

What is an Air Intake Filter Screen?

We  have been writing about this product for some time and there appears to be some confusion in the wider market.

Basically this product is not a filter as we would traditionally imagine it, although it does act as a filter in the truest sense of the word.

It's job is to protect the existing pre-filtration, and areas where traditional filters are not practical, from many types of airborne debris including seeds, pollen, leaves, cigarette ends and (most recently) carrier bags.

There are two manufacturers who currently supply this product in the UK.

RAB Specialist Engineers work with the Permatron Corporation and supply the PreVent® product which has some unique characteristics and benefits. It is also available with a variety of fixing methods including simple Velcro, magnetic framework, turn-button and self tapping screws with bonded washers.

Air flow through the media creates a static charge which attracts debris and prevents it from contaminating your equipment. The effect on performance is minimal and the product is easy to clean with a vacuum cleaner or brush.

The Permatron Corporation have been making filtration products since 1957 and fully understand the requirements of a front line system having developed it to sit alongside their own high quality products in the USA.

Richard Betts (Managing Director of RAB Specialist Engineers) was responsible for the introduction of this highly competitive and unique solution into the UK .

Alternative products are available but should not be confused with PreVent® equipment protection.

Prevent logo
Trane Rooftop PreVent Installation Closeup Starbucks Air Intake Filters

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