Tuesday 23 April 2013

The frustrations of low speed broadband

For those of you that work and live in major cities this is not something that you will understand.

Having had an office in Baker Street I know that the connection and download speeds are on a different planet in comparison with the rural world.

Those of us who choose to leave the city for the benefit of looking out of a window at the rolling Berkshire Downs must pay the ultimate electronic price.

Frustrating views of an important email attachment which sits there in the world wide ether, tempting you with the expectation of an order or enquiry but failing to download.

Oh, how I wish that the field outside was Baker Street, the noise was of passing pedestrians and buses and the gentle wash of exhaust fumes, cigarette smoke and body odour entered my nostrils.

Then I could read that bloody email and update my webpage in real time rather than wait for the gentle clunk click of rural broadband.

Actually, that is obviously a lie. Let's face it there was a time when the only written communication was by post.

So, what I am losing on the swings is more than made up by the roundabout of a rural base and I have time to make yet another cup of tea to ease the stress.

Friday 19 April 2013

Not all air intakes are the same (part 2)

Some do not have the additional protection provided by 


 Permatron Air Intake Filter Screens.

During part one of this blog we referenced some key considerations based upon the RAB experience of this sector. 

A lot of people have taken an interest and have been kind enough to write in with their own stories of clogged coils etc. 

Response 1

While working for a consultancy I was called on to inspect a plant where there had been a failure of a Carrier 5H86 compressor in a shopping centre that the office looked after and I found the filters and evap coil  looking like they had been lined with cardboard. As you can imagine the compressor had liquid refrigerant enter it, wash out the oil and destroy the valves.  

Response 2

I was asked to view a job near to the Shard today. There is a problem with construction dust which is being sucked into the intake louvres on two McQuay AHU's. This dust is everywhere and is clogging the filters which is reducing the air supply to the building. Is this something that your screen filters will cope with?

Response 3 

On walking around the outside of the place I came to a plantroom that contained the equipment servicing a day treatment area. The grille for the air handling unit was so matted over it looked like it had a blanket across it. 



It is very easy to ignore the facts which are:
  • Coils and air intakes DO become clogged with airborne debris.
  • Running equipment with a dirty coil DOES cost more.
  • Cleaning a PreVent air intake filter screen IS very simple to do.
  • Cleaning a matted coil IS NOT very easy to do.




Not all air intakes are the same.

A simple and innovative solution to improve plant maintenance.

Monday 15 April 2013

Not all air intakes are the same.

Not all air intakes are the same.

Some have the additional protection provided by 

 Permatron Air Intake Filter Screens.

You may not have considered the damage caused to major plant by the contamination of fin coils, fill ponds and AHU’s by the airborne debris surrounding your building. 

"If a condenser becomes dirty or fouled, less heat transfer can take place from the refrigerant to the surrounding ambient. Dirty or blocked condensers are one of the most frequent service problems in commercial refrigeration and summer air conditioning fields today". 

John Tomczyk  - Troubleshooting and Servicing Modern Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Systems

When the condenser coil becomes dirty, the six-month cost of operation escalates by 30% as detailed in a recent study by Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E). http://www1.eere.energy.gov/femp/pdfs/om_cooling.pdf 

Like many of us I am sure that you have been looking at energy efficiency as well as the cost of maintenance. Take on board the environmental impact of cleaning chemicals and we need a solution. 

Luckily there is now a cost effective and innovative solution.

Move the debris from high value equipment, which is difficult to keep clean, to the Permatron Air Intake Filter Screen which can be easily brushed, vacuumed or hosed down to remove any debris. 

Prevention is much better than the cure which is why RAB Specialist Engineers are now representing Permatron here in the UK. 

All filter screens can be custom manufactured to match your equipment and have been installed on Trane, Airedale, Carrier, BAC, Evapco and Klimatherm plant with outstanding results. 

Unlike other manufacturers Permatron offer a variety of fixing methods which include the traditional screw fixing and as the unique magnetic framework as well as the wrap around style for easy fitting to smaller plant.  

If you would like to read more about how these screens can help you to reduce energy and maintenance costs then please take a look at www.rabse.com or see the PreVent video clips on http://www.youtube.com/user/permatronfilters/videos .

A simple and innovative solution to improve plant maintenance.